Sunday, July 7, 2019

Do you ever feel like giving up?

Do you ever feel like giving up?  Like when you have a huge to do list and it is overwhelming, so you just do nothing?  Or when something seems so impossible that you just don't try?  I have.  And then I experience nagging or guilty feelings and eventually change my mind to at least do something, to move forward in some way even if it is small.  Then things seem to be a little easier.  Thus it follows that I shall not give up on myself.

A few have asked about my rash.  It is better, but it still persists.

Even when my rash subsides, usually after about 2-3 months, I still itch all over, all the time.  This has been the case for the last several years.  Except for a a short time earlier this year.  I have hope that I can get back to where I was earlier this year, of living itch free once again.

“Jesus meekly partook of history’s most bitter cup without becoming bitter!
Can we, in turn, partake of our tiny, bitter cups without becoming bitter? What a wonderful way for us to witness, especially to those we love the most...
In the ebb and flow of life, can we meekly respond as did the preparer of the Way, John the Baptist? Unselfishly, he said, “[Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).” - Neal A Maxwell

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